Being at your high not only happens in real life, but virtual world.In this popular online game named Second Life, people can do exactly anything that may happen in everyday life, or that may never happen in your daily rutine, for example, drugs.
Buying drugs in second life is legal and free, and the same thing goes with sex industry there, that is probably part of the reason why this game got popular.Just type in the word “drug” in the game, and you will find a bunch of sites to go to and find your place to buy some LSD, marijuana, hash, heroin, speed, ecstasy, roofies and whatever that can bring pleasure to your body.
Second life has a very open atomasphere towards drugs, unlike most parts of the real world.And it’s like that of America in the 1960s and 1970s.But what is different is that the one who takes the drug is your avantar instead of your real body.” But it sounds interesting. I would like to try it! Why not?” some players claimed in this way.
There are places like Feelgood & Sunshine Drugs where one can buy drugs.Just follow the instructions shown by note cards which you can get freely, and you will find your avatar be animated for one minute or so, with fancy music. The animation of avatars after taking drugs would be like those who in real life.And you can buy all kinds of drugs there if you got enough money, heroine, marijuana and many other type of drugs.
On youtube, the largest vedio publishing platform, some players even made some clips of avantar at high after taking drugs, with fancy music and after-effects.After viewing the vedio clip,some said it was fun,but some also claimed that he would like to take the drug in real life instead.
Drugs ,in most people’s eyes, is something that should never touched.But the popularity of virtual drugs may pointed some thing out: whether dealing with drugs is a moral corruption or just self-satisfaction?
Or maybe, taking drugs in second life is just get an animation for your avatar,without doing any actual things to your body.Are these animation drugs? Hardly.