
progress report 3- Report writing Editing, and Revising

This week, with all the information we collected, we started on the preperation of project presentation.The presentation is divided into these parts: Introduction of our project(Ruby),Methodology of our project(Jessie),Individual Interviews(Ruby, Susie, Sonny, Jessie), and conclusion(Ruby, Susie, Sonny, Jessie).
And I summerized my part of work as follows:
We adoptted the method of individual interviews.According to previous knowledge on trangender groups, we know that there are all types of TG groups: transexual,crossdresser,transvestite and so on. We suppose that different types of people have different use on secondlife, and went on individual interviews to see how do they use secondlife,what are their daily activities, how do they see secondlife. on the issue of transgender atomosphere: whether secondlife has provided a more open envioronment for them, whether secondlife is a paradise for tansgender groups?
We have four members in our group, each of us interviewed several different transgender individuals in secondlife.The places we go to are mainly dance bars, transgender clubs and organizations.There we met different people with different backgrounds and personal experiences.Before going on the interview, we have had an assumption on the subject and a set of questions.In their answers, we found their opinion goes very much to what was assumpted.In the following part, each of us will carry out some of our interviews and finally reach the conclusion.

Jessie’s part:
In my case, I interviewed two crossdressers,which means the people who like to wear the clothes of the other sex., and two transexual individuals, which means people who usually describe themsevles as put into the wrong body by god and have most quality of the other sex. These interviwees are all biologically male.
Here comes the first part, crossdressers.
Bobby Blackcinder is a crossdressing male in RL, a female in SL. He is married and love women's clothes, especially, he wears women’s underdress everyday.He said that I’m afraid of being found of wearing women's underdress, because it would be hard to work.”But they can’t fire me. I’m a boss,”he said. Bobby have some fun with other people in SL, but not many CDs that aren't Transgender.He spend a lot of time in SL everyday. In SL,he dress just as he likes and explore the feminine side that he didn't realize I had much of.
Here are some of his quotations: I see myself as both a male and a female. I've had many years of presenting male, but realize I have many females traits not that I'm in SL
I wanted to use a male body in SL, and dress it in woman's clothes.
In SL ,lots of pretenses dropped.,like being macho and dominate attitudes, although I don't think that was a major part of my presence.

Jaiden LeShelle is a bisexual male in rl and cross dresses secretly, in second life, his avatar is a sexy female. He mentioned his experience of being seen dressed in female panty. We pretended it was a dare but I am pretty sure we both new. it was awkward for sure, but neither one of us did anything to suppress it.
As for the way of using sl, here comes some of his quotations.Just a way to act out, and share. Not to meet though probobly more with dynamics than anything though. I have rarely come across anyone close to me in a regional sense mostly just looking for new friends and keeping up to date with current ones
He sees sl life as a place more open on the issue of gender, here he can be more free to be himself instead of hiding from others’ sight. Here he can talk about his interest freely and can try all kinds of girls’ outfit as he wishes, which was difficult in rl, and as Jaiden said, it is what makes sl such a good fantasy.

Here comes the transexual individuals.
Alexis has got a male body in real life, but he does not see himself as a male but a female.When I asked Alexis this question that do you act like a girl, this individual is a little annoyyed and replyed me” I’m a girl but you say that I act like a girl.” In realife, few people know that Alexis has got a male body. She wears the outfit of feamle, and behaves in the female way.The avatar of Alexis is a beautiful female,and sl is used to meet new people,have some recreation like going to dance bars.Alexis mentioned that she is very careful in realife in order not to be found out, because in her country transgender groups are treated very badly.Although Alexis feel much more free in sl, she still mind her words, in case her identity in realife would be found out.

PiJee Spitteler is bilogically male and is bisexual.In sl,his avartar is a she-male,”a girl with a dick”.IN rl, he dresses like a boy, and sometimes he wear panties if he’s all alone at home to feel girly.
PiJee said that he is more like a girl than a boy, and his friends say so,too.When it comes to who to date, he doesn’t quite care about sex or gender.
About surgery, here’s his quotation.the first thing in mind would be to dress as a girl and look like one for a couple of times, if I like it, and if I really feel that I'm blossoming, then I might decide to have surgery.
in using sl, here comes some quotations from pijee. most of the time I wander around Domming people, mostly girls, or shemales, and other than that, I'd like to shop.
He sees sl a place much more open and free on gender. He said that well the one thing I experience her in SL is that people don't seem to care whether I'm a boy in RL or girl. They treat me as a girl. And friendships are well hard sometimes if they figure out the true gender.They would dissolve friendship pretty much.. but they're in the minority.
Here’s another quotation from PJ.I'm a boygirl remember? but I wouldn't care really, I am who I am.

