[07:49] Jessie Passerine: 1. Are you a transgender in real life?
[07:50] Bobby Blackcinder: Male, crosdresser only
[07:50] Susie223 Chun: both in real life and second life?
[07:51] Bobby Blackcinder: Rl crossdressing male, SL female
[07:51] Jessie Passerine: i got it. do you cross dress daily or just for somttimes?
[07:52] Bobby Blackcinder: partially every day as often as possib le, but not full dress hardly ever
[07:53] Bobby Blackcinder: I"m married, an unwilling participant
[07:53] Jessie Passerine: so what is the "part" you corss dress?
[07:54] Bobby Blackcinder: Underdress everyday, all lingerie
[07:54] Bobby Blackcinder: I love women's clothes
[07:55] Bobby Blackcinder: Oops, not while I'm at work
[07:55] Jessie Passerine: are you afraid of being found of wearing women's underdress?
[07:56] Bobby Blackcinder: Yes, only for the consequences beyond embarrassment
[07:57] Jessie Passerine: what would the consequece be like?
[07:57] Bobby Blackcinder: Hard to work even though they couldn't fire me
[07:59] Jessie Passerine: when you say hard to work, are you refferring to the way people would be looking at you?
[08:00] Bobby Blackcinder: yes, a lack of respect aferward
[08:00] Bobby Blackcinder: I'm a boss
[08:00] Jessie Passerine: XD haha~
[08:01] Susie223 Chun: that will be easier for you since you are not hired by someone
[08:01] Jessie Passerine: so , how will you use second life?
[08:01] Bobby Blackcinder: I'm no the top boss, but I have some employees that I'm in charge of.
[08:02] Susie223 Chun: I C
[08:02] Bobby Blackcinder: Dressing just as I like. exploring the feminine side that I didn't realize I had much of
[08:02] Bobby Blackcinder: exploring castles, dungeons, etc.
[08:02] Susie223 Chun: Do you often have fun with other people in SL?
[08:03] Jessie Passerine: other people who are into crossdressing maybe?
[08:03] Jessie Passerine: in SL
[08:04] Bobby Blackcinder: Yes I have some fun, but not many CDs that aren't Transgender.
[08:04] Bobby Blackcinder: Nnot that it matters much if they are TG or not.
[08:04] Jessie Passerine: ic.when you say exploring the feminine side, waht do you mean?
[08:05] Jessie Passerine: what activities especially?
[08:06] Bobby Blackcinder: hanging around with people and being as honest as possible.
[08:06] Bobby Blackcinder: I find out that I come across as female a lot.
[08:07] Bobby Blackcinder: I have to refer them to my profile to make sure they know I"m a RL male
[08:07] Bobby Blackcinder: I've been hit on a few times by mistake
[08:08] Jessie Passerine: so , how do you see yourself? much of a male or much of a female?
[08:09] Jessie Passerine: or both?
[08:09] Bobby Blackcinder: definitely both, I've had many years of presenting male, but realize I have many females traits not that I'm in SL
[08:10] Bobby Blackcinder: I didn't really catch on why I was different in RL
[08:11] Jessie Passerine: what are the female traits?
[08:11] Bobby Blackcinder: I love dresses by the way. ha ha
[08:12] Jessie Passerine: XD ~
[08:12] Bobby Blackcinder: personality. more submissive than I knew also
[08:13] Bobby Blackcinder: I figured out that in shopping catelogues, I was looking at the dresses more than the women
[08:13] Jessie Passerine: In real life you mean?
[08:14] Bobby Blackcinder: the sexiness of the clothing first, the sexy woman secondly. ha ha
[08:14] Jessie Passerine: haha~ I can see that ~
[08:14] Susie223 Chun: haa
[08:15] Bobby Blackcinder: I wanted to use a male body in SL, and dress it in woman's clothes, but i coulnd't alter the bodies and face good
[08:15] Jessie Passerine: just like what you want to do in RL?
[08:16] Susie223 Chun: So do you feel you are different in SL?
[08:16] Bobby Blackcinder: I made ugly people so I decided to go with a female body & face for others to look at.
[08:17] Bobby Blackcinder: Yes, and much different, lots of pretenses dropped
[08:17] Jessie Passerine: But your true desire is putting a male avatar into female clothes instead of using a female avatar
[08:18] Bobby Blackcinder: Only for honesty. I like looking at the female avatar
[08:18] Jessie Passerine: haha~
[08:18] Bobby Blackcinder: I figure I see it more than anyone else.
[08:19] Susie223 Chun: You mentioned that lots of pretense dropped just now
[08:19] Susie223 Chun: what kind of pretense?
[08:20] Bobby Blackcinder: being macho, dominate attitudes, although I don't think that was a major part of my presence
[08:20] Bobby Blackcinder: I couldn't help but pick some of it up over the years, so I assume that I do it.
[08:21] Bobby Blackcinder: act macho that is.
[08:21] Bobby Blackcinder: I actually find being with a bunch of macho males in SL is very uncomfortable, unpleasant
[08:21] Susie223 Chun: and you want to be honest at the same time
[08:21] Bobby Blackcinder: specially when they are hitting on the 'women'
[08:22] Jessie Passerine: will you be aroused by male body?
[08:22] Bobby Blackcinder: I don't know if I've met a lot of gay guys, cause I don't ask, but I hear they don't have that attitude often
[08:23] Bobby Blackcinder: Not at all, more repulsed than anything. I don't find them attractinve at all
[08:23] Susie223 Chun: Did you have any embarrasment with those males?
[08:24] Bobby Blackcinder: I find them funny in SL, usualy so very large and muscular, un likely in RL
[08:24] Susie223 Chun: haha
[08:24] Bobby Blackcinder: RL or SL?
[08:24] Susie223 Chun: exactly
[08:25] Jessie Passerine: both i suppose?
[08:26] Susie223 Chun: Do you think it's easier for you in SL than in RL?
[08:26] Bobby Blackcinder: Not really, they are just other guys in RL, somewhat ridiculous in SL
[08:26] Bobby Blackcinder: SL by a long shot. CD isn't even notable
[08:28] Jessie Passerine: why are they ridiculous in SL?
[08:28] Bobby Blackcinder: Did I understand that you two are students?
[08:28] Susie223 Chun: yes
[08:28] Jessie Passerine: Yes , and we are doing a research on transgender
[08:29] Bobby Blackcinder: Am I part of a thesis now? oh, you answered before I asked
[08:29] Susie223 Chun: haha
[08:29] Bobby Blackcinder: Is research in SL allowable, recognizable by professors?
[08:29] Jessie Passerine: yes, as it is asked
[08:29] Susie223 Chun: Yes,she led us to SL actually
[08:30] Bobby Blackcinder: Hi Carman
[08:30] Carmen Isodo: hi
[08:31] Bobby Blackcinder: busy today?
[08:31] Bobby Blackcinder: Carman?
[08:31] Carmen Isodo: oh, no
[08:31] Carmen Isodo: i guess not
[08:31] Bobby Blackcinder: excuse me, CarmEn.
[08:32] Bobby Blackcinder: I get called Booby a lot for typing reasons. ha ha
[08:32] Susie223 Chun: Yuor friend
[08:32] Bobby Blackcinder: Not yet.
[08:32] Susie223 Chun: Your,I mean
[08:32] Bobby Blackcinder: I just greet everyone I meet, you never know until you talk to people.
[08:33] Susie223 Chun: that's true
[08:33] Jessie Passerine: good point
[08:33] Bobby Blackcinder: I seemed to have scared him off. and I didn't even tell him about your questions. ha ha
[08:33] Susie223 Chun: Oops
[08:33] Bobby Blackcinder: You can't tell what they are here, much less who.
[08:34] Jessie Passerine: so how much time do you spend in SL daily?
[08:35] Bobby Blackcinder: quite a lot actually, but very sporatic, i'm off an on continually.
[08:35] Bobby Blackcinder: this has been a long time in one stay for me.
[08:36] Bobby Blackcinder: but speakng of that, I have to take a bathroom brak.
[08:36] Bobby Blackcinder: That makes it hard to find a job in SL, I'm totally unreliable.
[08:36] Jessie Passerine: have you ever counted how many hours you spent daily in SL on average?
[08:36] Jessie Passerine: XD
[08:37] Bobby Blackcinder: No, I stop when I'm bored or tired, or more frequenlty, when I have things to do in RL
[08:38] Bobby Blackcinder: Well, I hope I helped you.
[08:38] Susie223 Chun: thanks~
[08:38] Bobby Blackcinder: by the way what are your preferences in RL and SL, you and Susie?
[08:38] Bobby Blackcinder: sexually, since you're studing TGs
[08:39] Susie223 Chun: female,haha
[08:39] Bobby Blackcinder: everything?
[08:39] Jessie Passerine: haha~ i'm trying all kind of styles in SL
[08:40] Bobby Blackcinder: female body, male partners wanted?
[08:40] Susie223 Chun: not on everything
[08:40] Bobby Blackcinder: Well I'm up for lesbianism if you are. ℓøℓ
[08:41] Susie223 Chun: I like girl's clothes
[08:41] Jessie Passerine: really? I'm studying feminism recently
[08:41] Bobby Blackcinder: Just their clothes Susie?
[08:41] Susie223 Chun: btu I want t work like a man,haha
[08:42] Bobby Blackcinder: This is the place to explore what you may have never thought of before, little consequences.
[08:42] Bobby Blackcinder: You are both females in RL right?
[08:42] Susie223 Chun: I adore girl's make-up,too,haha
[08:42] Susie223 Chun: yes
[08:42] Jessie Passerine: that's right
[08:43] Bobby Blackcinder: I haven't gotten into makeup yet in RL, but I'm anticipating it a lot
[08:43] Bobby Blackcinder: Not the learning part of it though, I don't have much confidence that I will be able to do it.
[08:43] Susie223 Chun: It'sworth trying,haha
[08:44] Bobby Blackcinder: being married, I don't have much of a chance to try it. she woulnd't approve
[08:44] Bobby Blackcinder: she's just trying to get used to my dressing.
[08:45] Bobby Blackcinder: I alway hid it well.
[08:45] Jessie Passerine: did she know that before you are married?
[08:45] Susie223 Chun: Oops,that's a pity
[08:45] Bobby Blackcinder: now I'm testing her reactions,
[08:45] Bobby Blackcinder: No she didn't , I dressed long before I met here, purged a few times since
[08:46] Bobby Blackcinder: it was nip and tuck as to whether i would stay or not
[08:47] Bobby Blackcinder: I couldn't burst out and tell her, and I couldn't stop dressing either.
[08:47] Bobby Blackcinder: I was admittingly lyiing to her, but I coulnd't see a way to stop, w/o the risk of leaving also
[08:48] Susie223 Chun: Is she against this?
[08:48] Bobby Blackcinder: completely. I'm sure she wishes it would go away every day, especially when she see's what I'm wearing
[08:49] Jessie Passerine: I've got a friend who is also interested in girls outfit.he said he would urge his girlfriedn to wear what he is most into
[08:50] Bobby Blackcinder: nothing odd about that, all guys would like to have their women dress as they would like to see them
[08:50] Bobby Blackcinder: obviously sexy or even slutty
[08:50] Jessie Passerine: and once he wore a girl's skirt and showed up in a party
[08:50] Jessie Passerine: everyone was shocked
[08:51] Bobby Blackcinder: he's looking to break out, or just showing off his daring.
[08:51] Bobby Blackcinder: or both
[08:51] Susie223 Chun: my friend is different
[08:51] Bobby Blackcinder: that would still take guts either way.
[08:51] Susie223 Chun: He just tell his preference to some of his fiends,including me
[08:52] Susie223 Chun: But he would never tell his parents
[08:52] Bobby Blackcinder: less so if he was just showing off how gutsy he could be.
[08:52] Bobby Blackcinder: Oh, he admitted to liking to wear them? I didn't understand that.
[08:53] Susie223 Chun: He likes girl's clothes, but he just told a few friends about this hobby
[08:54] Bobby Blackcinder: Good luck to him finding out how far he wants to go with it.
[08:54] Susie223 Chun: but he thought that his parents were too traditional to accept this
[08:55] Susie223 Chun: and he won't show up as a girl in public
[08:55] Bobby Blackcinder: He has to please himself over everyone else, or he'll regret it more than embarrassment
[08:56] Bobby Blackcinder: it's a tough line to walk.